This week in Somatics we learned Inversion/Eversion - rotating your legs from the hip sockets while allowing a natural arch and curve to happen in each side of your back.
Jodi started us off doing one leg at a time and later we combined the movements to move our legs together in mirroring and then synchronizing. Sound confusing? I'll break it down.
To Start
Lay on your back with your knees bent and take a couple of Arch & Flattens and Arch & Curls. When you feel ready, straighten your legs and make sure they can slide freely along the floor (move your sticky mat out from under your legs if you were using one).
Rotating Legs Outward and Inward
1) Rotate your R leg as far outward as you can - moving from the hip to the foot not the foot to the hip - and then reverse that movement and roll your R leg as far inward as you can - again, moving from the hip socket. Rest in neutral. Repeat 3-5 times on the R and then 3-5 times on the L, remembering to rest completely (no holding any tension or anticipating your next move) between each rotation.
Rotating Outward with Lift/Bent Knee
2) Rotate your R leg as far outward as you can and draw your leg toward your body, letting your knee bend and open to the side - as if you were doing one half of bound angle pose. Slowly release the leg back to straight. Pretend that your leg is immobile from the knee down. Let all the movement originate from the hip on both the drawing in and the straightening out. Repeat 3-5 times on the R and then 3-5 times on the L, remembering to
rest completely between each movement.
Rotating Inward with Lift/Bent Knee (the Marilyn Monroe)
3) Rotate your R leg inward (from the hip socket) as far as you can and draw your leg toward your body, letting your knee bend and skimming your R leg up your L leg into a "Marilyn Monroe" leg, as shown. Again, pretend that your leg is immobile from the knee down. Let all the
movement originate from the hip on both the drawing in and the
straightening out. Repeat 3-5 times on the R and then 3-5 times on the L, remembering to
rest completely between each movement.
Rotating Both Legs Outward with Lift/Bent Knees (Bound Angle)
4) We are doing the same movement as in step 2 but we are doing it with both legs at the same time, legs mirror each other. Rotate both your R & L leg as far outward as you can (from the hip sockets) and draw your legs toward
your body, letting your knees bend and fall outward - as if you were coming into a loose bound angle pose.
Slowly release the legs back to straight. Pretend that your legs are
immobile from the knee down. Let all the movement originate from the hip
on both drawing in and straightening out. Repeat 3-5 times, remembering to
rest completely between each movement.
Rotating Both Legs Inward with Lift/Bent Knees (Knock-Knees)
5) This is the same movement as in step 3 but we are doing it with both
legs together, legs mirror each other. Rotate both your R & L legs
inward (from the hip socket) as far as you can and
draw your legs toward your body, letting your knees bend and skimming
your feet along the floor - feet will probably slide outward, accentuating a "knock-kneed" look. Again,
pretend that your legs are immobile from the knees down. Let all the
movement originate from the hips on both the drawing in and the
straightening out. Notice how your back is moving. Repeat 3-5 times remembering to
rest completely between each movement.
Rotating Both Legs Together with Lift (Skiing / double Marilyn Monroe)
6) This is a combination of steps 2 & 3 moving both legs together in synchronicity, not mirroring. From the hip sockets, rotate both legs to the R (R leg outward & L leg inward). Keeping legs glued together,
draw your legs up and to the right, letting your knees bend and sliding your feet along the floor. Send the legs out straight again, rotate both legs to the left, draw the legs up and to the left, sliding your feet along the floor. Again,
pretend that your legs are immobile from the knees down. Let all the
movement originate from the hips on both the drawing in and the
straightening out. Notice how your back is moving. Repeat this skiing motion 3-5 times remembering to
rest completely between each movement.
To Finish
You might want to take another round of Arch & Flatten and Arch & Curl or add on a few other movements from the cat stretch (see links below for review).
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Myth of Aging Week 1
Myth of Aging Week 2
Myth of Aging Week 3
Myth of Aging Week 4
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