I know I'm not posting much but it's been a hectic time for me. I am in the Advanced Teacher Training Program (TT500) with Yoga North through November 2014. Plus, before I ever signed up for that, I signed up for Relax & Renew training with Judith Hanson Lasater because last year I enjoyed my iRest Yoga Nidra training with Richard Miller so much that I thought, "Why not do some more training?" Anyway, I am over-run with studying yoga but enjoying it thoroughly. This is what my desk looks like most of the time now:
Mostly, I'm sharing pictures on Facebook here: TT500 on FB. (I think this is a public album so even if you are not on FB you can have a look-see.)
And here is a brief write up of the past 5 months of training:
Our first weekend was in March - a
whole weekend of Somatics and Therapeutic Yoga which was lovely! I felt
soooo spacious after this training.
Our 2nd long weekend of
this nine month training included Kirtan, postural analysis, history of
yoga, the mind study, and a deeper look into forward bends and twists.
Our 3rd weekend included anatomy lab, back bends, studying the mind,
the Yoga Sutra, ayurveda, prepping for spinal clinic and more. This is
good stuff.
Between months 3 and 4, I went to the Minneapolis Yoga Center for my week of Relax & Renew Restorative yoga training.
On our 4th weekend we studied Adaptive Yoga,
Ayurveda (even got to eat lunch), the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads,
Agni Sara, Business of Yoga & Code of Ethics, plus we offered a
public clinic on SomaYoga for the spine.
During our 5th weekend we headed back to UMD, this time to both study the mind with Bud
McClure, and to study the body in the anatomy lab with Terri Ach. We
also focused on the hips & pelvis as a big part of our weekend. We
developed a Yoga Nidra class and then broke up into dyads to give and
received it. For our final bit of Mind Study, we rated our "Confusion
Strategies" as most to least like us and then got the news that whatever
we picked last is actually where our work is - apparently we are blind
to it if we think it is not a problem. Ha ha - so true.
Lessons from a Chicken Heart
1 week ago