Regarding class on 10-9-09
I've really been enjoying teaching "Restorative Flow" at Yoga North on Fridays. The class is sort of a melting pot of Yin Yoga and Restorative Yoga. We are practicing a number of Yin postures - which are very similar to Hatha postures except they are held much longer to allow a stretch of the connective tissue. But I am also combining Restorative's practice of using props to offer more support and gentler postures to those who need it.
The students who attend the class are diverse in their range of mobility. Some postures work for everyone and some don't. When a pose doesn't work for someone we figure out another pose with a similar stretch and similar benefits. For example, Plow/ Snail Pose is not accessible to everyone but most folks can sit in Seated Staff Pose, tuck their chin and roll down slightly. The stretch is similar - it's just that one is upside down and the other is right side up.
I had a few comments along the line of, "I can't believe how fast this class goes." I think most yoga classes go pretty quickly - after all, we are treating ourselves. But there is something about the deep relaxation that comes with Yin and Restorative that makes us feel like time doesn't exist. We go in, we stretch, release, relax and center ourselves, and time disappears.
It's lovely. Thank you all for attending. I'll look forward to our continued classes. Namaste.
Lessons from a Chicken Heart
1 week ago