Let students know:
- Restorative should not hurt
- Ask for help if you have discomfort
- Use props to promote maximum ease
- Expect that there might be emotional responses
- Best clothing to wear – warm, cozy and stretchy
- Contraindications
- Degenerative bone disease: any pose that puts pressure on the spine
- Pregnancy: modify poses after 3 months
- No inversions: hiatal hernia, retinal problems, glaucoma, migraines, heart problems, neck problem, infection in the head, menstruation
Centering and Warm ups:
I lead a centering breath and then a few warm-ups like neck rolls, Sufi rolls, standing forward fold, etc – about 5-10 minutes before starting. It is important to let people move before they lay still – works out the jitters. Then I demonstrate the poses before we start.
Lesson plan coming up in Part 3.