When I was asked to review the book Radical Healing (2nd edition) by Rudolph M. Ballentine, M.D., I thought, "Sure, why not? That shouldn't be too hard and it sounds interesting too." Then I received the book and was a bit taken aback by the size and scope of this 600-plus page tome.
Topic covered include: Nature's Medicinals - Herbal Traditions, Homeopathic Remedies and Cell Salts, Flower Remedies; Self-Assessment - The Meaning of Diagnosis, Body Maps, Techniques for Self-Diagnosis, Multilevel Diagnosis and Constitution: What's Your MInd-Body Type (Ayurveda); Foundation Stones - Nutrition, Detox, Movement and Exercise; Energy and Consciousness - Energy and Breath, Healing as Transformation, Reweaving; and Resources - Self-Help Index and Home Medicine Kit, Guide to Further Study of Holistic Medicine, Products and Services.
The idea behind Radical Healing according to Dr. Ballentine is to present a comprehensive vision of medical care - one that brings together the various holistic modalities (Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Naturopathy) and integrates their insights and skills.
I love the personal tone Dr. Ballentine sets in his intro. We get to learn a bit about his background and hear some patient stories as examples. The reading is easy and interesting. It draws you in. And, as soon as the chapters start, there is practical information: like how to create your own homeopathic remedy for ragweed allergies. Cool!
I found myself wanting to go more in depth with each chapter. My interest was really peaked with each subject. I think each topic could be expanded into a book in its own right.
Although I have not yet read the book cover-to-cover, I am very pleased to have this book in my library. I know it is something I will reference time and time again.
The book is available through the publisher, Amazon.com and other retailers for $19.95 or less.
Published by the Himalayan Institute, www.himalayaninstitute.org, March 2011 by Rudolph Ballentine, M.D., a pioneer of the holistic health movement. Drawing on more than 40 years of study, medical practice, and research, Dr. Ballentine presents a comprehensive, practical system of dynamic healing. Our ultimate objective is to expand our self-awareness on all levels, and guides us toward our ultimate objective—a restoration of wholeness. The result is transformation. The result is radical healing.
Resilient Resilience
1 week ago