Let's help out insides refresh today with a Supported Side-Seated Reclining Twist.
Setting up:
Get yourself a bunch of blankets or pillows and stack them up neatly into a lengthwise pile. As long as your props
are of a length equal to or greater than your torso, you are set.
Coming into the pose:
on your shins on the floor with a bolster (or pillow pile) at your side (next to one
thigh). The bolster should extend long-ways away from the body. Let your
seat slide off of your legs towards your bolster / pillows so that you
are seated with your knees bent and your feet are slightly away from
your body, off to one side.
Turn the torso so the belly is facing the
bolster, place one hand on either side of the bolster, lengthen the
spine, then start to lay the body down on the bolster for a
side-reclining, supported twist. Head can rest facing either side. Arms
can rest in a comfortable position.
full support make sure that the bolster / blankets /pillows are right up against
your thigh before you lay down. Height of your bolster is determined by
length of torso. For example, a more petite person may only need 2
folded blankets or pillows, whereas a longer waisted person might need 3-4 folded
blankets and possibly an extra one to raise their head.
Stay in this pose as long as it is comfortable for you. Try to take this pose on each side for about the same length of time.
Switching sides and/ or exiting the pose:
come out or change sides, push the palms against the floor to gently
raise the torso up off of the bolster, unwind slowly, and take a few
breaths before switching sides or moving to a new pose. I like to swing
my knees in front of me to come to the other side, but some of my
students sit on their butt and swing their legs all the way around
instead. Either way is fine.
Resilient Resilience
6 days ago